SoulLight Sprouts

Nature-Based Playgroups for ages 7-10

Give your kid the

freedom to explore.

Program Overview

SoulLight Sprouts gathers kids age 7-10 in small, outdoor settings to play, explore, and connect with self and community in support of whole system well being.

Give your child the gift of friendship and belonging in a close-knit group of mentors and peers to be seen, supported, and celebrated for exactly who they are!

Who is this for?

This program is great for kids who:

Have a sensitive nervous system, or struggle with anxiety, shyness, screen addiction, and/or boredom.

Want to form and strengthen connections with peers in a safe, supportive setting.

Enjoy spending time in nature, and are excited to get outdoors to explore, play, forage, climb, and learn!

Refuse to go to talk therapy but want support; OR are in therapy and want to apply what they learn in a group.

This is NOT a good fit for kids who:

Strongly dislike (or don’t have the resourcing) to participate in group games, conversations, and activities.

Adamantly refuse to spend time in nature, go outdoors, or be in a facilitated space.

Have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness or display anti-social tendencies (i.e. unable to show empathy).

Are too busy with other extracurriculars to make the commitment show up consistently to the group.

Program Benefits

Parents of youth enrolled in SoulLight nature-based mentorship programs consistently report their kids returning home from sessions “more grounded” and in better moods.

Some parents have gone so far as to describe the programs as “life saving.”

Over the course of the school year, participation in a Soul|Light program helps kids feel more happy and socially confident, and less anxious, depressed, or isolated on their screens.

After spending time in their Soul|Light group, you may notice that your kid:

  • Returns home from sessions happy, excited, and socially engaged.

  • Displays a sense of calm, grounded-ness, and relaxation.

  • Utilizes effective communication skills to express their feelings and needs!

And you may also find joy when your kid…

  • Recognizes local plants, animals, and fungi in their backyard and local trails.

  • Asks to go hiking or to spend more time in nature.

  • Seems more confident, comfortable in their skin, and engaged with life!

Societal/Community Benefits:

Besides helping kids feel better, there are many societal benefits to raising a generation of young people who care about nature. While many kids experience anxiety and pressure related to climate change and ecological collapse, Soul|Light offers them concrete skills and inspiration to take action for planetary healing and to protect our watershed, food-shed, and wildlife habitat… in community!

We protect what we love… when the land thrives, we thrive!

How it works

Group Dates & Times

Group meets every Monday from 3:45-5:45pm.

September 23, 2024 - May, 2025

No sessions during winter, spring break, or holidays.

Group Location

Each group has two East Bay program locations in local parks and gardens, with occasional field trips (1x/mo). Locations are selected to be easily accessible from participant home schools and neighborhoods.

Group Size & Mentors

Groups are small, consisting of 4-7 kids of similar age plus an adult and 1-2 older teen mentors, allowing for focused, individualized attention and care. 

Sample Schedule

3:45pm Drop-Off & Get Settled*

4:pm Nature Walk & Observation

4:30pm Group Games & Exploration

4:45pm SEL Learning & Nature Activities!  

5:15pm Solo-Sit Spot in Nature & Herbal Tea

5:30pm Closing Circle & Gratitude Shares

5:45pm Pick-Up & Goodbye!

*Carpooling available

Program Highlights

SoulLight groups provide a safe and supportive container for young people to socialize, express their feelings, and have fun learning & spending time in nature.

Guest educators visit monthly to share skills such as herbal medicine, nature arts and crafts, music and performing arts, embodied movement, gender identity, and other topics of interest!

SoulLight offers a laid-back, socially rewarding, and somatically engaging setting for youth to practice social emotional learning (SEL), nervous system regulation, and community service.

The curriculum is dynamic and curated to meet the unique learning style and interests of each individual kid, with guest educators brought in to offer a variety of learning pathways and modalities.

What about Parents & Caregivers?

  • SoulLight parents and caregivers are encouraged to connect with one another for carpooling, get-togethers, and shared child-care.

  • Parent support circles meet for occasional potlucks to build community and engage with themes arising in the youth group!

  • Parents are allocated three 20-min check-ins with Sammy, with further coaching and support available at a sliding scale rate.

Core Values & Competencies

Soul✴Light’s custom curriculum blends social emotional learning (SEL) with place-based learning (ecology, biology, & wild skills) to meet students where they’re at.

SoulLight Values & Competencies

  • Care & Belonging

  • Confidence & Self-Worth

  • Empathy & Compassionate Listening 

  • Vulnerability & Self-Expression

  • Mindfulness & Social Awareness

  • Healthy Boundaries & Non-Violent Communication

  • Creativity & Vision

  • Purpose & Pride

  • Celebration & Gratitude

  • Intimacy & Kinship (with Nature)

  • Earth Care & Ecosystem Advocacy

SoulLight’s Commitment to Kids:

  • You will feel seen, heard, & included. ✓

  • You will receive loving, positive regard. ✓

  • You will be encouraged to share your feelings & needs. ✓

  • You will experience a sense of freedom & sovereignty. ✓

  • You will learn to trust your instincts & intuition. ✓

  • You will be supported to explore your passions. ✓

  • You will learn to set boundaries that support your well-being. ✓

  • You will be celebrated for what sets you apart. ✓

  • You will know that you belong in nature, and in our community…

  • Apply now!

Program Fee

All Soul|Light programs are offered on an equity pricing, sliding scale basis, with no kid turned away for lack of funds. Here are the payment tiers, with payment plans available upon request.

  • Full Program Fee: $4,250 

  • Medium Program Fee: $2,750

  • Low Program Fee: $1,800

  • Scholarships: please email to inquire.

About your Mentor: Meet Sammy!

Sammy Kanofsky is a Bay-Area born nature lover and guide, with a passion for ecological care and youth empowerment that has been alive in her for over three decades.

Sammy is known for her warm and inclusive facilitation style and for her love of mentoring young people to feel proud of who they are, meltdowns and all!

She holds a BA in Environmental Analysis from Pomona College and a Certificate in Conflict Resolution from AIES (Arava Instite for Environmental Studies), as well a Certificate in Ecopsychology from the Holos Institute. Sammy brings over 20 years of experience working in experiential education, community building, leadership development, and communication coaching with training in conflict mediation, mindfulness meditation, yoga, reiki, and motivational interviewing.

As a young person, Sammy struggled with anxiety and panic until she found her way to the forest, where her nervous system was able to truly relax. She takes pride in having learned how to truly love and listen to her self, the land, and other living beings. She created Soul|Light to draw from her overflowing cup and invite others to find joy, peace, and belonging in nature.

As a mentor, Sammy is committed to supporting the unique gifts and sensitivities in each kid, and helping kids to feel seen, cared for, and appreciated exactly as they are. Through facilitating groups in a playful and caring way, kids begin to feel confident expressing their feelings and needs, while learning to listen with care and empathy to their peers. As this small-group intimacy and trust emerges, SoulLight kids find themselves experiencing a profound sense of belonging and acceptance, thus creating the emotional safety they need to thrive.

What Parents & Participants are Saying…

  • “I can’t begin to express how happy I am my daughter was a part of this program! I was brought to tears multiple times hearing her say things like, ‘I look forward to my days!’ and ‘I’m so happy!’ I see her light shining in a way I hadn't for a long time."

    - Amber, SoulLight Parent

  • "Sammy is an amazing mentor who has an amazing network of guest educators who teach things that young people are fascinated to learn and won't learn at school: like how to find food and medicine that might be right under your feet..."

    - Taj, SoulLight Parent

  • "My daughter has blossomed through Soul|Light’s programs. She’s learned how to articulate her feelings in a more open and productive way, and it has been wonderful watching her fall in love with nature, giving her an outlet for healing and curiosity about the world around her.”

    - Michelle, SoulLight Parent

  • "Sammy is a great listener and a great help. She's helped us create a community where we can truly be open about anything."

    - Sophie, SoulLight Student

  • “It's really fun out in the wild. We have snacks and caves and trees and tea! Sammy is funny and nice and cool and lets us explore."

    - Clara, SoulLight Student

  • "I love Sammy. Whenever I'm with her, I feel safe."

    - Rickie, SoulLight Student

Apply now!

Want to talk about whether it’s is a good fit?

Ready to apply? Fill out this form.

Have resources to change a life and support a kid from a low-income family?